Mary Cranfield

Born 7.9. 1842 at 6 Holland Retreat, St Anne's Road, Lambeth Certificate
Full Name Mary Cranfield .
Father William Cranfield Mother Hannah Cranfield (ms Thurgood)
Christened . . at .
Married 4.3 1866 to Henry Dungate at St Philip's, Bethnal Green Certificate
Children 1866 Henry Robert [12] .
. 1867 Mary Ann Elizabeth [12] .
. 1869 Fanny [12] .
. 1871 Stephen Henry [12], [15] .
. 1874/5 Annie [4] .
. 1876/7 Henry A. [4] .
. 1883/4 William .
Died . 1883-91 at   . Certificate

Mary Cranfield was born in 1842 in Lambeth. In 1866 she married Henry Dungate.

Sources: Census [1]1851; [2]1861. [3]1871, [4]1881; [5]1891; [6]1901[9] family memories; [12] IGI; [15] GRO records

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