and other families

This web site provides a selection of archives for several families, going back from the early 20th century. Select from the hyperlinks below to reach the page you want.

redbutton Badger Tree redbutton Badger Tree (skip introduction)
redbutton Buxton Tree redbutton Buxton Tree (skip introduction)
redbutton Cattley Tree redbutton Cattley Tree (skip introduction)
redbutton Dungate Tree redbutton Dungate Tree (skip introduction)
redbutton Fagg Tree redbutton Fagg Tree (skip introduction)
redbutton McKechnie - Peden Tree redbutton McKechnie - Peden Tree (skip introduction)
redbutton McKechnie - Wallace Tree redbutton McKechnie - Wallace Tree (skip introduction)
redbutton McKechnies of Jura redbutton McKechnies of Jura (skip introduction)
redbutton McQuat Tree redbutton McQuat Tree (skip introduction)
redbutton Richardson - Baker Tree redbutton Richardson - Baker Tree (skip introduction)
redbutton Rollo Tree redbutton Rollo Tree (skip introduction)
redbutton Wiltshire Tree redbutton Wiltshire Tree (skip introduction)

These family histories have been compiled principally from the following sources:

The following links were also useful:

redbutton Genelogy forums for most surnames.
redbutton Details of GRO Family History Centre, on GenUKI site.
redbutton Free large-scale Ordnance Survey maps from the late 1800s.

For other genealogy links, go to the links page.

If you have anything you would like to add, send it to the webmaster at: .

Page last updated 06-03-07