Buxton Family History |
This family history works backwards in time from Dudley Buxton & Winifred Wiltshire. It comprises three main components:
The tree diagram uses the following symbols and abbreviations:
= | married to | ||
1825- | before 1825 | 1825+ | after 1825 |
Clicking on a name on the tree takes you to the "CV" page for that person.
The CV page comprises a common-format table followed by additional text and photographs where available. Clicking on any name in the table (parents, children, or spouse), will open the CV page for that person, where one exists. In this way it is possible to navigate up or down through the branches of the family tree. Other hyperlinks are to source references, photographs, more detailed information, or in some cases another web site. Where information is based on unconfirmed circumstantial evidence or calculated to be approximate, the text is printed in grey.
To protect the privacy of the living, no details are included for the generations born after 1900; they won't normally be added to the internet edition of the family tree until about 100 years after their birth. Note that hyperlinks leading to these "youngsters" will result in a "page not found" message.
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William Buxton 1836 - ?? |
= ? | | |
Sophia Graham 1837-?? |
| | . xx-18xx |
= 18xx |
| | . 18xx-18xx |
Jacob.Wiltshire c1834 - ???? |
= c1863 | | |
Hannah.Whitbread 1831 - ???? |
George.Simpson 1824-1915 |
= 1849 |
Lucy Herridge c1827-1901+ |
| | | |
| | | |
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| | | |
William G Buxton 1858 - ?? |
= c1883 |
Kate ??-?? |
Samuel Wiltshire 1865 - c1927 |
= c1885 |
Millicent Simpson c1865-1949 |
| | | |
| | | |
Dudley Buxton 1885-19xx |
= 1919 |
Winifred Wiltshire 18xx-19xx |
| | V |
You? Me? |
Other information
The medical terms used in the 19th century are often quite different from those used today. To help interpret death certificates, a glossary of medical terms is included.
Extracts from a number of census returns have been collected. These are in mainly tabular format transcribed from the original documents, and in most cases links are provided from the relevant individual's page. Hyperlinks in the following table lead to the extracts currently available:
Census | 1841 | 1851 | 1861 | 1871 | 1881 | 1891 | 1901 |
Do not place too much significance on the spelling of names and places in these records. Many people did not read or write during this period, so spelling of names was very much at the whim of the census enumerator. Similarly, place names had not been standardised as they are now, and varied in spelling.
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Page last updated 03-04-07